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In What Ways Does Permaculture Impact the Environment?

The natural balance of our ecosystems is being thrown off due to changing global temperatures. No thanks to climate change, there are continuous and drastic negative effects on sectors vital to our survival.

In What Ways Does Permaculture Impact the Environment?

In What Ways Does Permaculture Impact the Environment?

The natural balance of our ecosystems is being thrown off due to changing global temperatures. No thanks to climate change, there are continuous and drastic negative effects on sectors vital to our survival. These include our food and water supply, biodiversity, and human health in general. Simply put, climate change is not helping, and implementing workable solutions such as permaculture can change the narrative.

Permaculture is a great, effective, and seamless way to help the environment. It is particularly dedicated to improving people’s quality of life by tackling environmental elements that threaten it. Below are some of how permaculture impacts the environment:

Natural Resources Are Protected

Thanks to permaculture, the chances of achieving goals related to sustainability and conservation are increased. It is essentially a design system for sustainable human settlements, which it does by focusing on protecting natural resources.

Also, it promotes the establishment of resilient communities able to withstand environmental challenges such as climate change. Permaculture practices are designed to mimic natural processes, thus allowing humans, animals, plants, and fungi to adapt harmoniously while perpetually regenerating natural resources.

Less Work, Less Energy

Permaculture principles allow the creation of autonomous systems that provide for all man’s needs. Once set in motion, a permaculture environment will require less work because there’s no need for intensive agricultural practice thanks to nature’s natural flow.

It Saves Space

Permaculture practices help to save up space in the environment as it has begun filtering into the landscape of urban farming. Permaculture methods are a perfect choice if you need to create a space with an intensive output.

It Boosts Health

Permaculture practices boost health physically, mentally, as well as spiritually. It boosts physical health by offering cleaner air and water and tastier food with a higher nutritional value.

It improves mental health by giving one a sense of belonging to something bigger than us, invariably improving one’s self-esteem. Finally, it boosts spiritual health by helping people find a higher meaning in the world in which we live.

It Encourages Wildlife Preservation

Many wild animals are already extinct, with many more endangered species looking at extinction in decades or centuries. Sustainable practices like permaculture have become vital to prevent the utter extinction of endangered animal species and the threat to biodiversity.

The design principles of permaculture encourage the development of more habitats for animal species, thus maximizing biodiversity and preserving wildlife. Permaculture practices are solutions for climate change mitigation, water conservation, animal habitat, and soil fertility.

It Regenerates the Planet

Permaculture propels the planet’s regeneration because you now create many of the resources you normally buy. For instance, you now grow your organic food using permaculture design tools. As a result, you are creating topsoil rather than depleting it, conserving natural resources, and repairing damaged ecosystems. You do all this by simply living your life as you always have, but now within an appropriate design.


The environment has been damaged significantly because of environmentally-unhealthy practices, among other things. The planet is at risk of complete ruin, and permaculture principles and practices can bring it back to life. Combining different principles such as integrated farming, ecology, sustainable farming, and organic farming, permaculture is a persistent system that supports human existence.


Lucie Gomes

Etikway founder

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